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Heinkel HS219 The HE 219 was a late War German night fighter that though produced only in low numbers was a potent weapon with its radar and powerful armament. It was the only German fighter that could compete with the RAF Mosquitos in this period. It was was complex and innovative (not always to its benefit) in having tricycle undercarriage with a steerable nose wheel and the first plane to sport ejector seats.

SPITFIRE PR.XIX PS853 v LIGHTNING F.3 XP695 (Binbrook trials)

In 1963, in the immediate aftermath of Malaysia’s independence, conflict broke out with Indonesia and plans were in progress to send RAF Lightnings to defend the new country from invasion. It was realised that with Indonesia deploying P51 Mustangs that there was the strong possibility that the Lightnings would have to engage these aircraft, not an option that the jet had been expected to face in its development and deployment. A hasty trial (and it seems a hasty application of an unsusual over paint) was thus arranged between a Mk19 Spitfire to simulate the Mustang and a Lightning to test tactics and in particular as to whether the Lightning could lock on its Firestreak IR missiles to an opponent with a very low infrared signature. 

ME 309 Prototype ME 109 replacement that never got beyond the prototype stage during 1942.

B24 (Liberator) Formation ship (stripe)

B17 (Flying Fortress) Formation ship (striped) more here

Any combination of these machines in one image can be supplied. Just ask.

Spitfire MkVb. In Dieppe Raid livery 1942

Napier Heston Racer. Napier's attempt to regain the World speed record for Britain. 1939

Spitfire MkVb. A unique transformation of a captured Spitfire Vb.

Spitfire MkVb. Seaplane derivative

Gregor FDB-1. Unusual Canadian Biplane Fighter from an era dominated by new monoplane fighters. Unsurprisingly it never went into production despite some promising performance figures.

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