Existing British Aircraft selection. New and modified aircraft can be commissioned. These are a sample of what is available.
Latest / British / US / French / German / Japanese / Russian

Spitfire Vb In Dieppe Raid colour schem
Sea Fury FAA scheme
Tornado Prototype
Tempest 2
Seafire Mk XVIII
Avro Lancaster. (red stripe)
Avro Lancaster. Red Tail
Avro Lancaster. Thumper and Vera Reunion Tour 2015
De Havilland Hornet (F1). Twin engined long range navy fighter taking its cues from the Mosquito. It missed the 2nd World war but was used by the navy from its carriers for some years thereafter and some pilots compared it favourably to the Sea Fury in its effectiveness. It did take the processes pioneered in the Mossie a stage further and its laminating and glueing technology pioneered much of that used in aircraft manufacture post war.
Hawker Hurricane. Sea Hurricane
Boulton Paul Defiant.
English Electric Canberra. WT333 Treble 3. ​​The Canberra was a 1st generation jet bomber manufactured in large number throughout the 50s being able to outperform most fighters of the period and set a world altitude record in 1957 of over 70,000 ft. It was somewhat ironically designed as a stop gap until the V bombers became operative but was so successful it actually out lived those later aircraft. It was a successful export product too serving with many airforces and licence produced in the US where it is still used by NASA as a scientific research aircraft. It only retired from the RAF in 2007 after a career of 57 years after its first flight.
Treble Three had a long history of research in weapons and radar going through many changes and alterations before being restored in the 90s and can be seen thundering down the runway at Bruntingthorpe.
NASA's 3 examples can be explored in this report. NASA
English Electric Canberra. WT333 Treble 3. With full information background. Backgrounds of this nature can be produced for any profile or a design of your own and personalised as you wish can be used as long as quality of any supplied elements is sufficient.
Miles M22. A proposed 530mph twin engined fighter from 1941 that never made it off the drawing board as even by then jets were seen as the future and the Typhoon was seen as an adequate fighter to get the RAF there. Little was the Typhoons trials and tribulations foreseen at that time. The final nail may have been that due to the size of its props it needed to take off and land at a steep angle of attack which made pilot vision a serious problem. The solution was to be a seat that jacked up as the canopy swivelled forward to form a a windscreen, something that had in fact been successfully featured in the company's trainer aircraft for the instructor in the rear seat but must have sounded highly problematical in this aircraft. Had it flown it would likely have been more than capable against those early jets however.
Martin Baker twin boom fighter. A little known proposal by Martin Baker for a twin Griffon engined contra rotating fighter from circa 1944/5. Unsurprisingly at this time it never left the drawing board or indeed even got a designation. Nor do we know its proposed role, armament, range or performance figures, though clearly it would have been pretty fast. But a truly interesting proposal with two separate cockpits slightly mis-aligned, which only adds even more mystery to the aircraft.
Supermarine Spiteful. This was the ultimate Spitfire that was Dre developed enough to deserve a new name. The Spiteful was a Griffon powered aircraft with a new tail, the new Laminar Flow wing originally developed for the Spitfire but never used beyond the prototype that tested it for the Spiteful. In the end due to poor stall characteristics a whole new body was designed. Though 150 were ordered, the end of the War, Jet development and the fact it offered little that the (Sea)Fury did not led to it being cancelled with only 19 built (17 Production). However the Spiteful XV1 with the Griffon 101 engine (2 built) has the honour of being the fastest prop fighter of all time with a top speed of at least 500mph proving the overall concept was sound. That speed did come with the cost of lesser manoeuvrability than its elliptical forbear which is one of the reasons discounted a laminar flow wing for the Spitfire (along its poorer climb performance) in the first place.
Tiger Force Lancasters. Late in the War the British planned to put together an Air Force specifically aimed at the invasion of Japan. This was called Tiger Force and the focus of this force was the Bombers including Lancasters and its dirivative Lincolns. In preparation these bombers were modified for use in the Pacific and were painted white so as top reflect heat and to make them visible to allied forces where air superiority was expected to be almost total. With the Atomic Bombs and the resultant early end to the War Tiger Force became redundant and was never sent to Theatre.
Spitfire Vb Seaplane. Throughout the war various versions of the Spitfire were turned into Seaplanes with much taken from the Schneider Trophy winners that had had so much influence n the development of the Spitfire in the first place. This version is one of the earliest based on the Vb version. Experience from earlier prototypes than the one shown led to the modified tail you see here. It used two floats though other later Spitfires also sported a large central and two small wing mounted floats which made them more suitable for use on merchant ships where a catapult was used.
Spitfire Vb 'MesserSpit'. The story of this Vb Spitfire is a strange one. On the 18th November 1942 during a ‘Rhubarb’ raid and having taken flak damage, pilot Pilot Officer Bernard Scheidhauer landed his aircraft on a beach in Jersey thinking it was the Isle of White. After capture the aircraft was made airworthy and flown back to Germany where it was used for testing. During this process it was fitted with a Daimler-Benz DB 605A engine installed making it effectively a MesserSpit. It continued in this form until it was destroyed in 1944 during a US air raid. Sadly its pilot did not survive the war. At the age of only 22 he took part in the ‘Great Escape’ and upon capture was shot by the Gestapo.
Napier Heston Racer. The Napier Heston Racer was produced in the late 30s to show off the new Napier Sabre engine and to regain for Britain the air speed record held at that time by Germany. Heston were given the job of producing the aircraft which was mostly made of wood. It was ready to fly in mid 1939 but on its first flight the pilot was scolded by escaping steam and made an emergency landing after only 18 minutes damaging the airframe in the process. With the war starting, there was no impetus to do further work on the project and the engine was reused in a Typhoon fighter.
Spitfire PR.XIX v Lightning F,3 XP695: The Binbrook Trials.
In 1963, in the immediate aftermath of Malaysia’s independence, conflict broke out with Indonesia and plans were in progress to send RAF Lightnings to defend the new country from invasion. It was realised that with Indonesia deploying P51 Mustangs that there was the strong possibility that the Lightnings would have to engage these aircraft, not an option that the jet had been expected to face in its development and deployment. A hasty trial (and it seems a hasty application of an unsusual over paint) was thus arranged between a Mk19 Spitfire to simulate the Mustang and a Lightning to test tactics and in particular as to whether the Lightning could lock on its Firestreak IR missiles to an opponent with a very low infrared signature.